AVET Products and Deep Fake Technologies

How do AVET Products Protect Against Deep Fake Technology?

Deepfakes are so-named because they use deep learning technology, a branch of machine learning that applies neural net simulation to massive data sets, to create a fake. Artificial intelligence effectively learns what a source face looks like at different angles in order to transpose the face onto a target, usually an actor, as if it were a mask. You can read more about this here.

AVET Products

AVET Products are developed around a core AVET eco system that protects the recording of audio and video data from source until a recording is ended, at this point prior to information being available the data is finalised and protected in numerous ways including the creation of 256 and 512 SHA checksums. If the recordings were tampered with, even by the most comprehensive deep fake technology, analysis of the data, and specifically its comparison to the original recordings checksum, would conclusively show that it was not binary identical to the original recording and therefor could not be relied upon within a  court of law.

AVET Value

AVET products employ numerous solutions to protect the integrity of recordings and are an important step towards the protection of justice systems and information in general. Designed to protect the value of information within the public or private sectors AVET has designed and built in house custom hardware and software based solutions. By focusing upon the development of an environment that protects the audio and video data at source within a dedicated eco system, AVET has created a structure that allows judicial systems to accept audio and video evidence without any fear of external manipulation having taken place.

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